Daily Vitamins For Women

5 Ways to Help Your Hair Grow Faster

Hair growth rates can vary from one person to the next. Some women only experience two inches per year. Meanwhile, others can see up to eight inches of growth annually!

If you want to speed up how fast your hair grows, here are some tips worth trying.

Improve Your Diet

Eating a hair-healthy diet is one of the best ways to get your hair to grow faster. The idea is that you must "fuel" hair growth. What you put into your body makes a difference.

To produce faster growth, focus on protein. Proteins act as the building blocks of your hair. Eating more protein gives your body the nutrients it needs to maintain rapid and healthy growth. Nourish your body from the inside out with this expertly crafted daily vitamins for women - click now to start your journey to optimal health!

Try Hair-Healthy Vitamins

Daily vitamins for women can fill gaps in your diet. They're easy to take and can produce noticeable improvements with time. Look for products that specifically target hair and nail health. They contain beneficial vitamins and nutrients like:

  • Biotin
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Omega-3 fatty acids

Ease Up On Heat Styling

Heat is sometimes necessary to get those fashion-forward styles. But if you want to prioritize growth, you must take steps to prevent damage. Reduce the temperature on your styling tools, and always use a heat protectant.

Over-styling with heat can weaken your hair and cause breakage. If your hair is constantly breaking, it doesn't matter how fast it grows. You'll never see the results if you have nothing but breakage.

Use Less Shampoo

Shampoo products strip your hair of its natural protecting oils. It's okay to shampoo a couple of times per week. But contrary to popular belief, shampooing daily is not a good idea.

Your hair needs those natural oils to penetrate and repair strands. Excess shampooing will only cause more breakage.

Focus on hydration instead. Weekly deep conditioners can prevent tangling and infuse your hair with much-needed hydration.

Use a Silk Pillow

Women often experience breakage the most as they sleep. Standard cotton fabrics pull at your hair, causing unnecessary stress and breakage.

Consider switching to silk pillowcases. They're much gentler, preventing damage that slows your hair growth progress. Pair that with daily vitamins for women, and you'll notice excellent results with time.

Read a similar article about protein shakes here at this page.